European Alumnae Chapter
Personal Growth
Many members of the EAC can share stories of what it was like for them to move abroad and how its challenged them to grow in numerous ways over the years. We are lucky within the EAC to experience some of that growth together. Whether we are exercising professional growth through our network of sisters across Europe or learning more about ourselves with all the vast experiences of life outside of the US, the EAC sisterhood is always there for us as we grow.

Many of our sisters in Europe are living far from home and truly rely on the friendships born out of sisterhood to navigate life in unfamiliar places. The EAC is a chapter spread over a continent which gives us a unique advantage in being able to share close friendships with sisters in our local cities as well as countries away.
Service & Loyalty
Members of the EAC come from all over and live all over - we have a diverse set of experiences and outlooks on life but we always have our connection to Sigma Kappa and service to bond us together. Whether we are brainstorming unique ways to fundraise globally or bringing the values of the Sigma Kappa to the international domain, as a chapter we continue to embody service.