European Alumnae Chapter

Who We Are
Sigma Kappas living abroad can sometimes feel a million miles away from home. But for alumnae members in Europe, Sigma Kappa is very much alive and well, through a very special alumnae chapter.
Founded in 1997, the Sigma Kappa European Alumnae Chapter has grown to approximately 50 members — from recent graduates to 50-year pin recipients.
Sigma Kappas living in Europe have a lot in common. A love of travel. A curiosity about other cultures. The longing for new experiences. A strong appreciation for friends, both near and far. Cherished memories of Sigma Kappa in years past and the desire to create new bonds of friendships in the years to come.
The European Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Kappa is helping to fulfill the sorority mission of promoting the ideals of life-long friendship, intellectual and spiritual fulfillment and service for the greater good. In Europe, our chapter is truly bringing sisterhood to life.